
Live on Youtube

This talk on abdominal cancers done a while ago in News 24, keeps coming back as major topic in our daily clinical practice . These involve cancers of anything in the abdominal Compartment, including liver, pancreas, stomach, intestinal cancers , including rare tumours in the back of abdomen ( Retroperitoneal sarcomas ) , pelvic malignancies. Complex multidisciplinary approach to increase survival and achieve good oncology results with quality surgery and associated ancillary supporting specialities of radiation and medical oncology help achieve cure in substantial Proportion of patients .

Live on Youtube

Live talk on News 18 “Dr.Q?” about Liver Cirrhosis Treatment

Live on Youtube

Live talk on Asianet “Doctor Live” on Liver,
Pancreas Tumours and Liver Transplantation Surgery. Well received Program!!!


Article on Ways to Improve the current status of organ donation in Kerala State, which was once leading the country in organ Donation and now at the back end of the list of states with active donation . Also highlights ways to tackle unnecessary, so called "Altruistic live Donations", which have a vested angle to it.


Newcastle leads the way in organ transplantation

Liver Unit

Press release on inauguration of the Cochin Gastroenterology Group- Liver Unit at EMC Hospital, Kochi

Liver Unit

Official Inauguration of the Cochin Liver Unit at Ernakulam Medical Centre.